Halloween Comp

Sign Up In 3 Steps!

Step 1: If You're Purchasing Anything In Step 2, Please FILL OUT THIS FORM: Here

Step 2: Purchase Your Competitor Ticket & Spectator Ticket!

  • Price Goes Up on These Dates:
    • Early Bird - $40
    • 09/21/24 - $45
    • 09/28/24 - $55
    • 10/02/24 - $65
    • 10/05/24 (Day of Comp) - $70

Step 3: Fill Out A Waiver If You Haven't Been In The Gym Before

Competition Details:

Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024

Theme: Halloween

Tentative Itinerary: 


  • Wave 1 (9:30AM-12:00PM)
  • Wave 2 (12:15PM-2:45PM)
  • Intermission/Raffle (2:45PM-3:45PM)
  • Finale (3:45PM-6:30PM)
  • After-Party (6:30PM-7:30PM)


  • How to choose your category: When in doubt, go up a category! You should be sending most problems in your category within 1-2 sessions, and you should be projecting most problems the category above you. We're all here to have fun, and no one likes a sandbagger.
  • Men's 
    • Recreational (V0 - V3) [Yellow Tag]
    • Intermediate (V3 - V5) [Green/Blue Tag]
    • Advanced (V5 - V7) [Blue/Purple Tag]
    • Elite (V7+) [Purple/Black Tag]
  • Women's
    • Recreational (V0 - V2) [Orange/Yellow Tag]
    • Intermediate (V2 - V4) [Green Tag]
    • Advanced (V5+) [Blue Tag or Higher]
  • Scoring: There will be 10 labeled problems per category. 5 points for Zone, 5 Points for Top, and -1 Point per Failed Attempt.
  • Top 3 of Intermediate, Advanced, Elite Category Will Partake in Our IFSC-Style Finale!
  • Don't know what IFSC-Style is? Here is an example!

What Can I Win? 

  • Sponsored Items, Best Dressed Spirit Award, and Raffle Drawings!

Other Info:

  • After Comp Party for all attendees
  • Volunteering - Don't want to participate but want to be involved? We are looking for volunteers who want to help in exchange for day passes! Fill out here